Sécurité alimentaire et gastronomie : programme de sciences appliquées à la restauration (sécurité alimentaire) de BTS hôtellerie-restauration
Printed book - Genestier Frédéric, [2000]
The making of a library : extracts from letters, 1934-1941, of Harvey Cushing, Arnold C. Klebs, John F. Fulton : presented to John Fulton by his friends on his sixtieth birthday, 1 November 1959
Printed book - Cushing Harvey, Fulton John Farquhar, Klebs Arnold C, Stanton Madeline Earle, Thomson Elizabeth Harriet, Bell Whitfield J., c1959
Elsevier's dictionary of mammals : in Latin, English, German, French and Italian
Printed book - Wrobel Murray, cop. 2007
Ernst Wagner, Robert Gaupp : un monstre et son psychiatre
Printed book - Vindras Anne-Marie, Gaupp Robert, Béal Claude, Longé Thierry, 1996
Ordinateur et pédagogie différenciée
Printed book - Versini Anny, Versini Jean-Marc, Hameau Claude
Histoire de la psychopathologie
Printed book - Beauchesne Hervé, impr. 1986