Le livre des couteaux
Printed book - Riaz Yvan de, 1978
The American biology teacher
Printed magazine - National Association of Biology Teachers, [1938-
Arithmetic teacher
Printed magazine - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Delta-K : journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association
Printed magazine - Alberta Teachers' Association Mathematics Council
Conventions collectives nationales, Enseignement privé : personnel enseignant de l'enseignement technique hors contrat : personnel d'éducation : documentalistes de l'enseignement secondaire et technique
Printed book - France, France Ministère de l'emploi, du travail et de la cohésion sociale, 2004
Descartes in Germania : la ricezione del cartesianesimo nella facoltà filosofica e medica di Duisburg, 1652-1703
Printed book - Trevisiani Francesco, cop. 1992