Science et croyance
Printed book - Lonchamp Jean-Pierre, 1992
Histoires du soleil et de la lune
Printed book - Lafonta Isabelle, 2002
Rutherford and the nature of the atom
Printed book - Andrade Edward Neville da Costa, 1964
Pharmacologie générale, toxicologie : mécanismes fondamentaux
Printed book - Claverie-Morin Isabelle, Hedde Hélène, impr. 2008
Etude de la pharmacologie selon ses 3 phases (pharmaceutique, pharmacocinétique et pharmacodynamique) et de la toxicologie (définition des types de danger, des doses, e...
Devenez sorciers, devenez savants
Printed book - Charpak Georges, Broch Henri, impr. 2002, cop. 2002
The Structure and development of science : organized by the London school of economics] ; ed. by Gerard Radnitzky and Gunnar Andersson,
Printed book - Andersson Gunnar, Radnitzky Gerard, London school of economics and political science, Congrès, cop. 1979