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Thèmes, thèses, tendances

Printed book - Rumelhard Guy, 1998

The museum in America : innovators and pioneers

Printed book - Alexander Edward Porter, cop. 1997
museumsmuseum curatorsmuseum directorspopular cultureconservateurs de musees19e siecle20e sieclemuseeshistoire de la museologiemuseologieetats-unis

A History of Natural Philosophy : From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century

Printed book - Grant Edward, 2007
histoire naturellehistoire

The audience in exhibition development : course proceedings from a training program developed by the

Printed book - Smithsonian Institution Office of Museum Programs, 1992
apprentissage (cognition)education et musee

Les matérialistes dans l'Inde ancienne

Printed book - Mādhavācārya, Ballanfat Marc, Filliozat Pierre-Sylvain, 1997
lok1aayatalokayataphilosophiematerialismephilosophie indiennehistoire de la philosophieinde
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