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Food, conquest, and colonization in Sixteenth-century Spanish America

Printed book - Super John C, cop. 1988
indiens16e sieclealimentationfood supply16th centuryfood cropsdietindianshistoire de l'alimentation

Renewing a scientific society : The American Association for the Advancement of Science from World War II to 1970

Printed book - Wolfle Dael Lee, 1989
institution scientifiquehistoireetats-unis

Le cerveau et la pensée : critique des fondements de la neurophilosophie

Printed book - Poirel Christian, 1997
neurosciences cognitivesphilosophie de l'espritesprit et corpsthought and thinkingpenseeneurosciencespsychobiologie

The laboratory of the mind : thought experiments in the natural sciences

Printed book - Brown James Robert, 1993, c1991
connaissance, theorie de larationalismetheorie quantiquephysiquesciencesexperience scientifique

François Arago, un savant généreux : physique et astronomie au XIXe siècle

Printed book - Lequeux James, DL 2008
astronomes19e sieclesavantsphysiqueastronomiehistoire des sciencesfrance

Reconstructing Babylon : Essays on women and technology

Printed book - Hynes H. Patricia, 1991
femme et techniquehistoire
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