Conceptions et connaissances
Printed book - Giordan André, Girault Yves, Clément Pierre, cop. 1994
World enough and space-time : absolute versus relational theories of space and time
Printed book - Earman John, cop. 1989
Essays on the history of organic chemistry in the United States, 1875-1955
Printed book - Tarbell D. Stanley, Tarbell Ann Tracy, c1986
Beyond prejudice : the moral significance of human and nonhuman animals
Printed book - Pluhar Evelyn B., Rollin Bernard E., 1995
As it was : highlights of hydrographic history, from the Old hydrographer's column Hydro International, Volumes 1-6
Printed book - Ritchie Steve, 2003
Une construction de la clinique : le savoir médical au XVIIIe siècle
Printed book - Bescond Jacques, DL 2010
Ouvrage traitant de l'évolution de la clinique au siècle des lumières à travers l'histoire de l'Hôpital de la Charité de Paris, une référence du savoir médical de l'épo...