The self and its brain : [an argument for interactionism]
Printed book - Popper Karl Raimund, Eccles John Carew, 1998, cop. 1977
History of photography : a bibliography of books . vol. 2
Printed book - Roosens Laurent, Salu Luc, 1994
A Victorian scientist and engineer : Fleeming Jenkin and the birth of electrical engineering
Printed book - Cookson Gillian, Hempstead Colin, 2000
The determination of the coordinates of positions for the correction of distances between cities . Kitāb Tahdīd Nihāyāt al-Amākin Litaṣḥīḥ Masāfāt al-Masākin
Printed book - Bīrūnī Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū al-Rayḥān al-, 1967
Geometry civilized : history, culture, and technique
Printed book - Heilbron J. L., 1998
Processed lives : gender and technology in every day life
Printed book - Terry Jennifer, 1997