Areteo di Cappadocia : interpretazioni e aspetti della formazione anatomo-patologica del Morgagni
Printed book - Weber Giorgio, 1996
Cogs, caravels and galleons : the sailing ship, 1000-1650
Printed book - Gardiner Robert, Unger Richard W, 1994
Dire les choses : Auguste Laurent et la méthode chimique
Printed book - Blondel Marika, DL 1996
Publications de la Société savante d'Alsace et des régions de l'Est . Collection Grandes publications
Printed book - Société savante d'Alsace, 1947-
Studies in British Art
Printed book - Paul Mellon centre for studies in British art, Yale center for British art, 1995-
Printed book - Ledru Éric, 1990-