Gauss : prince des mathématiques
Printed book - Tazzioli Rossana, 2008
L'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences : cinquante ans : 1927-1977
Printed book - Costabel Pierre, Grmek Mirko Drazen, [1977]
Eléments d'épistémologie
Printed book - Hempel Carl Gustav, Saint-Sernin Bertrand, 1985
40 ans d'énergie nucléaire dans le monde
Printed book - Barth Jacques, 1981
Geology and religion
Printed book, 2009
For thousands of years, religious ideas have shaped the thoughts and actions of human beings. Many of the early geological concepts were initially developed within this...
Museos, educacion y el patrimonio natural, social y cultural . Museums, education and the natural, social and cultural heritage, Cuenca-Ecuador, 23 al 28 de octubre de 1994
Printed book - Astudillo Lucia, Comité international de l'ICOM pour l'éducation et l'action culturelle Annual Conference, 1996