87227 results found

Max Planck : dossier par John L. Heilbron

Printed book - Heilbron John L., 2006
physique quantiquehistoire

Geology and religion

Printed book, 2009
For thousands of years, religious ideas have shaped the thoughts and actions of human beings. Many of the early geological concepts were initially developed within this...

The Darwinian heritage : including proceedings of the Charles Darwin Centenary Conference, Florence Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, June 1982

Printed book - Kohn David, Kottler Malcolm J., Charles Darwin Centenary Conference, c1985
naturalistsevolutionsciencedarwinismeespeces, origine des

Museos, educacion y el patrimonio natural, social y cultural . Museums, education and the natural, social and cultural heritage, Cuenca-Ecuador, 23 al 28 de octubre de 1994

Printed book - Astudillo Lucia, Comité international de l'ICOM pour l'éducation et l'action culturelle Annual Conference, 1996
education et museepatrimoine culturel

Publics à l'oeuvre : Pratiques culturelles à la Bibliothèque publique d'information du Centre Pompidou

Printed book - Bouvet Jean-Francois, Poulain Martine, 1986
pratique culturellebibliothequeetude de public

L'inconscient à venir

Printed book - Nasio Juan David, 1993
interpretation psychanalytiqueinconscientpsychanalysepsychanalystes
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