Oeuvres completes
Printed book - Fresnel Augustin, 1965
Filmer le travail
Printed book, 1996
The making of a library : extracts from letters, 1934-1941, of Harvey Cushing, Arnold C. Klebs, John F. Fulton : presented to John Fulton by his friends on his sixtieth birthday, 1 November 1959
Printed book - Cushing Harvey, Fulton John Farquhar, Klebs Arnold C, Stanton Madeline Earle, Thomson Elizabeth Harriet, Bell Whitfield J., c1959
Techniques du corps et traitements de l'esprit aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Printed book - Fauché Serge, 1997
Cinquante ans de traction à la SNCF : enjeux politiques, économiques et réponses techniques
Printed book - Lamming Clive, Caron François, 1997
Ernst Wagner, Robert Gaupp : un monstre et son psychiatre
Printed book - Vindras Anne-Marie, Gaupp Robert, Béal Claude, Longé Thierry, 1996