The empty cradle : infertility in America from Colonial times to the present
Printed book - Marsh Margaret S, Ronner Wanda, cop. 1996
A history of the calculus of variations from the 17th through the 19th century
Printed book - Goldstine Herman Heine, cop. 1980
Astronomy of the Ancients
Printed book - Feirtag Michael, Brecher Kenneth, 1981
Le savant et le politique aujourd'ui : Dossier documentaire : Colloque, vendredi 7 juin 1996, Centre des congrès de la Villette
Printed book - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, 1996
The material basis of evolution
Printed book - Goldschmidt Richard Benedict, [c1982]
Mémoires d'industries
Printed book - Spillemaecker Chantal, Guibal Jean, Musée dauphinois, 1996