Opera mathematica (972-1003) : Accedunt aliorum opera ad Gerberti libellos aestimandos intelligendosque necessaria per septem appendices distributa
Printed book - Sylvestre, Bubnov Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich, 1963
Soins gérontologie
Printed magazine
Madness in America : cultural and medical perceptions of mental illness before 1914
Printed book - Gamwell Lynn, Tomes Nancy, 1995
Description des expériences aérostatiques de MM. de Montgolfier
Printed book - Faujas de Saint-Fond Barthélémy, 1968
Dictionnaire de l'Islam : religion et civilisation
Printed book - Kadare Ismail, Gilliot Claude, impr. 1997
Philosophie et science : éléments de bibliographie . = Philosophy and science : elements of bibliography
Printed book - Robert Jean-Dominique, impr. 1968, cop. 1968