87626 results found

Organizing Enlightenment : information overload and the invention of the modern research university

Printed book - Wellmon Chad, 2015, cop. 2015
universites18e siecleenseignement superieurmouvement des lumieresuniversities and colleges18th centuryeducation, higherresearchenlightenment

The Ant and the peacok : altruism and sexual selection form Darwin today

Printed book - Cronin Helena, 1993
adaptation (biologie)evolutionselection naturellealtruismetheorie de l'evolution (biologie)histoire

100 years of flight : a chronicle of aerospace history : 1903-2003

Printed book - Winter Franck H., 2003
histoire de l'aviationconstruction aeronautiquehistoireastronautiqueexploration spatiale

Man and nature in the Renaissance

Printed book - Debus Allen G., 1978
science, renaissancesciencemannaturesciences de la renaissanceecologie humainerenaissancehistoire des sciencesrenaissance (15e - 16e siecle)

A selected bibliography of pacific area maps

Printed book - MacFadden Clifford Herbert, 1940
histoire de la cartographieocean pacifique

L' ogre blanc : roman

Printed book - Chabas Jean-François, 2002
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