87616 results found

The rock factory : a story about rocks and stones

Printed book - Bailey Jacqui, Lilly Matthew, cop. 2006
rochespierrelitterature pour la jeunesseroche

Auguste Laurent and the prehistory of valence

Printed book - Novitski Mary Eunice, c1992
valence (theoretical chemistry)chemistry19th centurychimie19e sieclevalence (chimie theorique)histoire de la chimie

Catalogo degli strumenti : del Museo di storia della scienza

Printed book - Istituto e museo di storia della scienza, 1954
instrument scientifiquehistoirescientific apparatus and instrumentsscience

Eléments de la géométrie de l'infini

Printed book - Fontenelle Bernard Le Bouyer de, Blay Michel, Niderst Alain, impr. 1995
curves, planegeometrie infinitesimalecourbes planesinfinitegeometrie

Les Anciens systemes de mesures : projet d'enquete metrologique

Printed book - Institut d'histoire moderne et contemporaine Table ronde, 1981

Sur Démocrite

Printed book - Nietzsche Friedrich, Ducat Philippe, Nancy Jean-Luc, 1990
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