Elmer Sperry; inventor and engineer
Printed book - Hughes Thomas Parke, [1971]
Actes . 4 . Philosophie et Sciences. Histoire de la philosophie
Printed book - Union internationale de philosophie des sciences, Congrès international de philosophie des sciences, 1955
Oeuvres complètes
Printed book - Malebranche Nicolas de, Robinet André, 1958-
Our debt to Greece and Rome
Printed magazine - Hadzsits George Depue
Museums in motion : An introduction to the history and functions of museums
Printed book - Alexander Edward Porter, Alexander Mary, 2007
In 1979, Edward P. Alexander's Museums in Motion was hailed as a much-needed addition to the museum literature. In combining the history of museums since the eighteenth...
Anatomie clinique . Tome 4 . [Organes urinaires et génitaux, pelvis, coupes du tronc]
Printed book - Kamina Pierre, Martinet Cyrille, Gouazé André, 2008
Un outil d'apprentissage regroupant les connaissances d'anatomie générale, descriptive, topographique et fonctionnelle. Il utilise uniquement le nomenclature internatio...