87699 results found

Quantum mechanics : historical contingency and the Copenhagen hegemony

Printed book - Cushing James T., cop. 1994
theorie quantiquequantum theoryphysique quantiquehistoire

La philosophie et son histoire

Printed book - Vuillemin Jules, 1990

Re-thinking science : knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty

Printed book - Nowotny Helga, Scott Peter, Gibbons Michael, 2001
scienceknowledge, sociology ofsciencessociologie de la connaissance scientifiqueexpertise scientifique

Euthanasie : le dossier Binding et Hoche

Printed book - Schank Klaudia, Schooyans Michel, Binding Karl, Hoche Alfred Erich, 2002
euthanasieethique medicalemedecineethique des medecinshistoire du 20eme siecleeugenismehistoirebioethiqueallemagne

Prolegomena mathematica : from Apollonius of Perga to late neoplatonism with an appendix on Pappus and the history of platonism

Printed book - Mansfeld Jaap, 1998
philosophie antiquemathematiques grecqueshistoire des mathematiquescivilisation grecque

JavaScript : the definitive guide

Printed book - Flanagan David, cop. 2011
javascript (langage de programmation)serveurs webprogrammation orientee objets (informatique)langage javascript
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