87616 results found

Logica e ontologia

Printed book - Agazzi Evandro, 1990

Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany : individual fates and global impact

Printed book - Siegmund-Schultze Reinhard, cop. 2009
The emigration of mathematicians from Europe during the Nazi era signaled an irrevocable and important historical shift for the international mathematics world. Mathema...

Quatre savants de l'Antiquité : connaissance du ciel, approximation de pi, refonte du calendrier, voyages de découverte

Printed book - Kang Zhu, Tao Hong, Congying Feng, 2005
Ce livre présente sous forme de bande dessinée l'oeuvre de quatre grands scientifiques et inventeurs chinois : l'astronome Zhang Heng qui inventa le sismographe et expl...

New profession, old order : Engineers and German society, 1815-1914

Printed book - Gispen Kees, 1989
histoire des ingenieursallemagne

Revolution and continuity : essays in the history and philosophy of early modern science

Printed book - Barker Peter, Ariew Roger, cop. 1991
philosophie des scienceshistoirehistoire des sciences17e siecle
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