87856 results found

Smokestacks and Progressives : Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America : 1881-1951

Printed book - Stradling David, 1999
ecologismepollution atmospheriquedeveloppement durablehistoireetats-unis

RH [ressources humaines] : les apports de la psychologie du travail

Printed book - Lévy-Leboyer Claude, Huteau Michel, Louche Claude, D.L.2001
psychology, industrialressources humainespersonnel managementpsychologie du travailpersonnelgestion des ressources humaines

The History of science and religion in the western tradition : an encyclopedia

Printed book - Ferngren Gary B., Larson Edward John, Amundsen Darrel W., 2000
religion and sciencereligion et sciencessciencesencyclopedies et dictionnairesscience et religionhistoire

Les métiers du cinéma

Printed book - Perez Dominique, DL 2013, cop. 2013
cinemacinema (metier)

A pragmatist's progress ? : Richard Rorty and American intellectual history

Printed book - Pettegrew John, cop. 2000
pragmatisme20e sieclehistoire de la philosophieetats-unis

L'homme et ses symboles en médecine traditionnelle chinoise

Printed book - Kespi Jean-Marc, 2002
ethnomedecinemedecine chinoiseacupuncture
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