87226 results found

Organic chemistry : its language and its state of the art

Printed book - Kisakürek M. Volkan, c1993
chemistry, organicchimie organiquehistoire

The analytical engine and mechanical notation

Printed book - Babbage Charles, 1989


Printed book - Arbona Cécile, 1995

Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus : Bestandaufnahme und Perspektiven der Forschung : [actes du colloque international, mars 1999 à Berlin]

Printed book - Kaufmann Doris, cop. 2000
politique scientifique1900-1945national-socialisme et sciencesrecherchesocietes savantes et institutsscience and statenational socialism and scienceresearchacademies and institutessciencesciences et national socialismescience et politiquehistoireinstitution scientifiquescience et ideologienational-socialismeallemagne1933-1945

Divisions of labour : skilled workers and technological change in 19th century England

Printed book - Zeitlin Jonathan, Harrison Royden John, cop. 1985
innovations technologiquestravail industriel19e siecleartisansouvriers qualifiesinnovation scientifique et techniquegrande-bretagne

Erde und Kosmos im Mittelalter : das Weltbild vor Kolumbus

Printed book - Simek Rudolf, cop. 1992
cosmologie indiennecosmologie medievalegeographie medievalemaps, earlyastronomy, medievalcosmology, medievalgeography, medievalcartes anciennescosmologiehistoiremoyen-age
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