87329 results found

Opus astronomicum

Printed book - Battanī Muḥammad ibn G ā bir al, Nallino Carolo Alphonso, 1977
astronomiecivilisation islamique (7e-13e siecle)

Mécanique quantique : la fin du rêve

Printed book - Stengers Isabelle, 1997
mecaniquephysicsquantum theorytheorie quantiquesciencesphysiquephysique quantiquephilosophie de la physique

Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics

Printed book - Reichenbach Hans, 1982, c1944
quantum theoryphysicsphysique quantiqueaspect philosophique

The making of a library : extracts from letters, 1934-1941, of Harvey Cushing, Arnold C. Klebs, John F. Fulton : presented to John Fulton by his friends on his sixtieth birthday, 1 November 1959

Printed book - Cushing Harvey, Fulton John Farquhar, Klebs Arnold C, Stanton Madeline Earle, Thomson Elizabeth Harriet, Bell Whitfield J., c1959
bibliotheque medicalehistoire des bibliotheques

Techniques du corps et traitements de l'esprit aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

Printed book - Fauché Serge, 1997
psychotherapiephysiotherapie (specialite)histoire du 18eme sieclehistoire du 19eme sieclepsychopathologiephysiotherapiemaladies mentales18e siecle19e siecleesprit et corpshistoire de la medecine
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