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The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought : roots of evo-devo

Printed book - Amundson Ron, cop. 2005
1. Introduction; PART I. Darwin’s Century: Beyond the Essentialism Story: 2. Systematics and the birth of the natural system; 3. The origins of morphology, the science ...

Le paysage végétal de la Corse

Printed book - Gamisans Jacques, impr. 2010
Présentation des structures de la végétation corse, qui dépendent des facteurs climatiques, de la faune et des actions humaines. L'auteur expose ses observations sur le...

Fantasy surgery, 1880-1930 : with special reference to Sir William Arbuthnot Lane

Printed book - Dally Ann G., Lane William Arbuthnot, 1996
history of medicine, 20th centsurgery19th century20th centurychirurgiehistoire du 20eme sieclehistoire du 19eme sieclehistory of medicine, 19th cent19e siecle20e sieclehistoire

Medicine in Great Britain from the restoration to the nineteenth century, 1660-1800 : an annotated bibliography

Printed book - Rogal Samuel J, 1992
medecinehistoire de la medecinegrande-bretagne

Guillaume d'Ockham : logique et philosophie

Printed book - Biard Joël, DL 1997
knowledge, theory oflogic, medievaltheorie de la connaissancelogiquephilosophie du langagelogique traditionnelle

Paths of fire : an anthropologist's inquiry into Western technology

Printed book - Adams Robert McCormick, 1996
technology and civilizationcivilization, westerntechnique et societehistoire
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