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Explanation in the sciences

Printed book - Meyerson Émile, c1991
scienceexplanationlogicsciencesmethodologie scientifiqueexplication scientifique

Le paysage et la vigne : essais de géographie historique

Printed book - Dion Roger, Pitte Jean-Robert, Roncayolo Marcel, 1990
human geographynaturerural geographywine and wine makingvinviticulturevignegeographie agricolevignoblessociologie ruralehistoirepaysagefrance

Wings for the navy : A history of the naval aircraft factory, 1917-1956

Printed book - Trimble William F., 1990
histoire de l'aviationconstruction aeronautiquehistoireetats-unis

British coalminers in the nineteenth century : a social history

Printed book - Benson John, 1989
mineurs de charbon19e sieclemine de charbonhistoiregrande-bretagnehistoire sociale
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