Three imperial mathematicians : Kepler trapped between Tycho Brahe and Ursus
Printed book - Rosen Edward, cop.1986
Museums and the Web 2007 : selected papers from an international conference
Printed book - Bearman David, Trant Jennifer, Museums and the Web Conference, Archives & Museum Informatics, c2009
Réussir son stage en entreprise : un tremplin pour l'emploi ! : plus de 100 questions-réponses
Printed book - Hermel Laurent, Hermel Pascale, Hermel Gaëlle, impr. 2009, cop. 2009
Les oeuvriers des cathédrales
Printed book - Icher François, 1998
The Lazzaroni : science and scientists in mid-nineteenth century America
Printed book - Miller Lillian B., Voss Frederick, Hussey Jeannette M., 1972
Fulgence Bienvenüe et la construction du métropolitain de Paris
Printed book - Berton Claude, Ossadzow Alexandre, Filloles Christiane, DL 1998