Accoucheur de campagne sous le Roi-Soleil : le traité d'accouchement de G. Mauquest de La Motte
Printed book - Mauquest de La Motte Guillaume, Gélis Jacques, 1979
High-speed dreams : NASA and the technopolitics of supersonic transportation, 1945–1999
Printed book - Conway Erik M., 2005
Le cerveau de Mozart
Printed book - Lechevalier Bernard, Cambier Jean, 2003
Les déchets en restauration : traitement et valorisation : restauration commerciale, restauration collective à caractère social
Printed book - Comité permanent de la restauration collective, 2001
Joseph Black 1728-1799 : a commemorative symposium : Papers presented at a Symposium held in the Royal Scottish Museum on 4 November 1978 in association with the scottish society of the history of medicine, together with a survey of manuscript notes of Joseph Black's lectures on chemistry
Printed book - Simpson Allen David Cumming, 1982