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Europe into space : the Auger years (1959-1967)

Printed book - Krige John, John, 1993
satellite artificielhistoireexploration spatialeeurope

Taking the wheel : women and the coming of the motor age

Printed book - Scharff Virginia, 1992
femme et techniquehistoire

CnS : La chimica nella scuola

Printed magazine
didactique de la chimieitalie

Early Arabic pharmacology : an introduction based on ancient and medieval sources

Printed book - Levey Martin, 1973
pharmacologieantiquitemoyen agepharmacopee arabepharmacologymedicine, arabichistoire de la pharmaciecivilisation islamique (7e-13e siecle)

L'événement astronomique du siècle? : histoire sociale des passages de Vénus, 1874-1882

Printed book - Aubin David, Centre François Viète, impr. 2007
astronomie19e sieclevenus (planete)planetehistoire de l'astronomiescience et societehistoire
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