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Le documentaire : l'autre face du cinéma

Printed book - Breschand Jean, cop. 2002
films documentairescinemafilm documentaire

La fabuleuse histoire du papier

Printed book - Vernus Michel, cop. 2004
papierpapier, travail duhistoire

Literature on the history of physics in the 20th century

Printed book - Heilbron J. L., Wheaton Bruce R., 1981
physicsscienceshistoire de la physique20e siecle

Le pourquoi du comment

Printed book - Lacotte Daniel, 2004
questions et reponsesscience

Evolution in mind : an introduction to evolutionary psychology

Printed book - Plotkin Henry, 1998

Phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics

Printed book - Tieszen Richard L., 2005
Offering a collection of fifteen essays that deal with issues at the intersection of phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics, this book is divided into ...
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