Les révolutions de l'optique et l'oeuvre de Fresnel
Printed book - Rosmorduc Jean, Rosmorduc Vinca, Dutour Françoise, Blay Michel, impr. 2004, cop. 2004
Les savants du Roi-Soleil
Printed book - Richardt Aimé, Théobald Jean-Gérard, Poncelet Christian, impr. 2004
American Pharmacy in the colonial and revolutionary periods
Printed book - Bender Georges A., American Institute of the History of the Pharmacy, 1977
La perspective
Printed book - Flocon Albert, Taton René, 1994, cop. 1963
Christian Wolff
Printed book - Goubet Jean-François, Feuerhahn Wolf, Fabbianelli Faustino, Paccioni Jean-Paul, Arnaud Thierry, Rudolph Olivier-Pierre, 2003
De l'agriculture
Printed book - Varron, DL 2003