Le génie dédaigné : Einstein et la Suisse
Printed book - Schwarzenbach Alexis, Barilier Étienne, impr. 2005
L'enfant et sa famille : les premières relations
Printed book - Winnicott Donald Woods, Stronck-Robert Annette, DL 1991
The eighteenth-century origins of angina pectoris : predisposing causes, recognition and aftermath
Printed book - Michaels Leon, c2001
La révolution galiléenne : cosmos et univers
Printed book - Chareix Fabien, impr. 2001, cop. 2001
The Political economy of science : ideology of/in the natural sciences
Printed book - Rose Hilary, Rose Steven Peter Russell, cop. 1976
Science and religion in the thought of Nicolas Malebranche
Printed book - Hobart Michael E, 1982