The Astrolabes of the world : based upon the series of instruments in the Lewis Evans collection in the old Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, with notes on astrolabes in the collections of the British Museum, science museum, sir J. Findlay, Mr. S. V. Hoffman, the Mensing Collection, and in other public and private collection
Printed book - Gunther Robert William Theodore, 1932.
Des causes et des signes des maladies aigües et chroniques
Printed book - Arétée de Cappadoce, Laennec René Théophile Hyacinthe, Grmek Mirko Dražen, Gourevitch Danielle, 2000, cop. 2000
Philosophy in the flesh : the embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought
Printed book - Lakoff George, Johnson Mark Leonard, cop. 1999
L'égalité animale
Printed book - Singer Peter, Olivier David, 2000
2ème Salon International des Musées et des Expositions : collections, coulisses, éditions : Paris, Grand Palais, du 20 au 28 janvier 1990
Printed book - Salon international des musées et des expositions, Provinciales, 1990
Salvatore Ferragamo : the art of the shoe 1898-1960
Printed book - Ricci Stefania, 1992