Bibliographia medica hispanica (1475-1950) . Volumen VIII . Revistas (1736-1950)
Printed book - López Piñero José María, Terrada María Luz, 1990
Histoire générale de la nature et théorie du ciel : (1755)
Printed book - Kant Immanuel, Kerszberg Pierre, Seidengart Jean, Roviello Anne-Marie, 1984
Le grand atlas de l'histoire mondiale
Printed book - Barraclough Geoffrey, Le Roy Ladurie Emmanuel, Encyclopaedia universalis France, 1985
Mining and metal production through the Ages
Printed book - Craddock Paul, Lang Janet, 2003
L'Homme et ses symboles : Laffont, 1987.
Printed book - Jung Carl-Gustav
Printed magazine - Science Museum of Charlotte, NC