87690 results found

Sidereus nuncius : Le Messager céleste

Printed book - Galilei Galileo, Pantin Isabelle, 1992

Une jument extraordinaire

Printed book - Rockwood Joyce, 2002

Examen apothecariorum

Printed book - Mateo Pedro Benedicto, [1990]

The intersecting storage rings : the construction and operation of CERN's second large machine and a survey of its experimental programme

Printed book - Russo Arturo, 1992
institution scientifiquehistoirephysique des particules

André Chapelon : 1892-1978 : le génie français de la vapeur

Printed book - Rogers Hugh C. B, Charpentier Jean-Claude, Payen Jacques, Escudié Bernard, DL 1993
chemins de ferlocomotives a vapeurmechanical engineerslocomotiveslocomotive a vapeurhistoirefrance
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