Printed magazine
Animals in motion
Printed book - Muybridge Eadweard, Brown Lewis S, cop. 1957
Eadweard Muybridge, photographe, invente en 1879 l’un des ancêtres du cinéma : le zoopraxiscope, un projecteur lui permettant de recomposer le mouvement à travers la vi...
Algorithmes pour la synthèse d'images et l'animation 3D : cours et exercices corrigés
Printed book - Malgouyres Rémy, DL 2005, cop. 2005
Śisyadhivrddhida Tantra of Lalla with the commentary of Mallikarjuna Suri . Part. 1 . Critical ed. with commentary . Part.2 . Transl. with commentary
Printed book - Lalla, Mallikarjuna Suri, Chatterjee Bina, 1981
Science in the service of Empire : Joseph Banks, the British State and the uses of science in the age of Revolution
Printed book - Gascoigne John, 1998
La Statue de la Liberté . The Statue of Liberty
Printed book - Lemoine Bertrand, 1986