John Dee : scientist, geographer, astrologer and secret agent to Elizabeth I
Printed book - Deacon Richard, 1968
The Origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind ...
Printed book - Jaynes Julian, 1976
Materia medica americana potissimum regni vegetabilis
Printed book - [Schoepf] [Johann David], 1974
The Orion book of the sun
Printed book - Lalou Etienne, [1960]
La guerre des astronomes : la querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo-héliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle . Volume II . Le "Contra Ursum" de Jean Kepler
Printed book - Kepler Johannes, Jardine Nicholas, Segonds Alain Philippe, 2008, cop. 2008
Ce second volume donne une nouvelle édition du texte peut-être le plus important issu de cette crise : le Contra Ursum de Kepler (ca. 1600-1601). Kepler, mêlé malgré lu...
The Early years of the Edinburgh Medical School : a symposium jointly organised by the Royal Scottish Museum and the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine in connection with the special exhibition Edinburgh and Medicine and the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh, held in the Royal Scottish Museum, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, on 26th June 1976
Printed book - Anderson Robert G. W., Simpson Allen David Cumming, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1976