Le train
Printed book - Glancey Jonathan, Dauliac Jean-Pierre, 2004
Au coeur des volcans
Printed book - Pradal Evelyne, Decobecq Dominique, Éditions Fleurus, 2004
Einstein/Gödel : quand deux génies refont le monde
Printed book - Yourgrau Palle, Jeanmougin Christian, Damour Thibault, cop. 2005
Séminaire N. Bourbaki, 25e année, Volume 1972/1973, novembre 1972, exposés 418 à 423
Printed book - Bourbaki Nicolas, Cartier Pierre, Chevalley Claude, Conze Jean-Pierre, Godbillon Claude, Meyer Paul-André, Verdier Jean-Louis, 1973
Printed book
Cross-cultural scientific exchanges in the eastern Mediterranean, 1560-1660
Printed book - Ben-Zaken Avner, cop. 2010
Avner Ben-Zaken reconsiders the fundamental question of how early modern scientific thought traveled between Western and Eastern cultures in the age of the so-called Sc...