87226 results found

D'après nature

Printed book - Gervereau Laurent, impr. 2007
Cet ouvrage interroge les images scientifiques, politiques, publicitaires, artistiques, etc. de la nature de la Renaissance à nos jours. Des représentations scientifiqu...

The analytical engine : computers, past, present, and future

Printed book - Bernstein Jeremy, 1964
Discusses the history of electronic computers; men important to their development; and their design, relation to the human brain, and service to science and industry

The sleepwalkers : a history of man's changing vision of the universe

Printed book - Koestler Arthur, [1963, c1959]
cosmologiehistoirescience et religion

Samuel Colt's submarine battery : the secret and the enigma

Printed book - Lundeberg Philip K., 1974
marine militairehistoiresous-marinetats-unis

Yale science : the first hundred years, 1701-1801

Printed book - Mac Keehan Louis Williams, [1947]

In the realm of chemistry

Printed book - Roggersdorf Wilhelm, [1965]
industrie chimiquehistoireallemagne
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