87245 results found

The spacious word : cartography, literature, and empire in early modern Spain

Printed book - Padrón Ricardo, 2004
cartographielitterature espagnole1500-1700 (periode classique)litterature latino-americaine16e sieclehistoire de la cartographiescience et litteratureespagne

L'école en France : XIXe-XXe siècle : de la maternelle à l'université

Printed book - Albertini Pierre, Borne Dominique, DL 1992
sociologie de l'education19e siecle20e siecleenseignementadministration scolaireeducation20th century19th centuryhistoire de l'education

Tires, spokes, and sprockets : a book about wheels and axles

Printed book - Dahl Michael, Denise Shea, 2006

Recherches sur les arrosages chez les peuples anciens

Printed book - Jaubert de Passa François-Jacques, 1981

The Philosophy of physical science

Printed book - Eddington Arthur Stanley, 1939

Frontline and Factory : Comparative perspectives on the chemical industry at War, 1914-1924

Printed book - MacLeod Roy Malcolm, Johnson Jeffrey Allan, cop.2006
The First World War is often called the ‘chemists’ war’. But few realise precisely how, or the extent to which modern chemistry became a significant factor in the strug...
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