88365 results found

La science grecque après Aristote

Printed book - Lloyd Geoffrey Ernest Richard, Brunschwig Jacques, 1990, cop. 1990
sciencessciences grecquessciences antiqueshistoire des sciencescivilisation grecque

La pisciculture en eau douce : comment débuter

Printed book, 1980
poisson d'eau douceaquaculture

Le siècle de l'industrie

Printed book - Loyer François, 1983
urbanisationindustrialisationcity planning19th centuryurbanizationindustrializationarchitecture1870-1914architecture industrielle19e sieclehistoire de l'architecture20e siecle18e siecle

For fear of pain : British surgery, 1790-1850

Printed book - Stanley Peter, 2003
chirurgie18e siecleanesthesieanalgesie19e sieclehistoiredouleurgrande-bretagne

Poa de France, Belgique et Suisse

Printed book - Portal Robert, 2005

Psychiatry and philosophy of science

Printed book - Cooper Rachel, 2007
Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science explores conceptual issues in psychiatry from the perspective of analytic philosophy of science. Through an examination of those fe...
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