A time to remember : the autobiography of a chemist
Printed book - Todd Alexander Robertus, c1983
Geschichte der Mathematik in Deutschland
Printed book - Gerhardt G. I., 1965
The Uranium people
Printed book - Libby Leona Marshall
Le charme de la physique : la recherche des secrets de la matière
Printed book - Glashow Sheldon Lee, Cohen-Tannoudji Gilles, Colardelle Olivier, DL 1997, cop. 1997
La mal-aria di Lazzaro : Spallanzani e la respirabilità dell'aria nel Settecento
Printed book - Spallanzani Lazzaro, Capuano Fabrizia, Manzini Paola, Abbri Ferdinando, Bernardi Walter, 1996
L'objet industriel en question
Printed book - Larroche Hélène, Tucny Yan, 1985