87328 results found

Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps : bio-bibliographies of the cartographers of Abraham Ortelius, 1570 : based on Leo Bagrow's "A. Ortelii Catalogus cartographorum"

Printed book - Karrow Robert W., 1993
cartographes16e sieclecartescartographiecartography16th centuryearly mapscartographershistoire de la cartographie

Sous le voile du cosmos : quand les scientifiques parlent de Dieu

Printed book - Arnould Jacques, impr. 2014, cop. 2015
cosmologiedieuscience et religioncosmologie et religion

The latin translation of "Anaritius' commentary" on Euclid's elements of geometry books I-IV

Printed book - Abu l-'Abbas al Fadl ibn Hatim al-Nayrizi, Gérard de Crémone, Tummers Paul Marie Josef Emanuel, 1994

Savoir et faire en technologie

Printed book - Centre régional de documentation pédagogique, 2001-

Gestion de la culture

Printed book, 2001-
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