Quand nos grands-mères donnaient la vie : la maternité en France dans l'entre-deux guerres
Printed book - Thébaud Françoise, 1986
Museum expressions : 2003, catalogue : salon professionnel du cadeau culturel et des objets de musée . Trade show for cultural gifts and museum objetcs
Printed book - Museum expressions, 2003
Science and civilisation in China . Volume 4 . Physics and physical technology . Part 1 . Physics
Printed book - Needham Joseph, Wang Ling, Robinson Kenneth Girdwood, cop. 1962
East is East and West is West : some observations on the World's fairs of 1939 by one whose main interest is in museumsi
Printed book - Cummings Carlos Emmons, 1940
La taillanderie de Nans-sous-Ste-Anne (Doubs)
Printed book - Brelot Claude-Isabelle, Mayaud Jean-Luc, Bergeron Louis, 1982
Sténopé, représenter l'espace
Printed book, 1997