Questions of evidence : proof, practice and persuasion across the disciplines
Printed book - Chandler James, Davidson Arnold Ira, Harootunian Harry D, cop. 1994
Au nom de la flèche du temps : le défi de Prigogine
Printed book - Stengers Isabelle, 1997, cop. 1997
Selected papers of Freeman Dyson with commentary
Printed book - Dyson Freeman J., c1996
Otto Neurath : philosophy between science and politics
Printed book - Cartwright Nancy, 1996
The story of exhibitions
Printed book - Luckhurst Kenneth W., 1951
Patrimoine hospitalier
Printed book - Pétillot Anne, Fessy Georges, DL 2004
Panorama sur la richesse du patrimoine architectural hospitalier de la France (maladreries, hospices, hôtels-Dieu, charités, hôpitaux généraux, asiles, lazarets, cliniq...