87219 results found

The collected papers of Albert Einstein : english translation . Volume 1 . The early years, 1879-1902

Printed book - Einstein Albert, Havas Peter, Beck Anna, cop. 1987

The collected papers of Albert Einstein . Volume 3 . The Swiss years : writings, 1909-1911

Printed book - Einstein Albert, 1993
physicsphysicistsphysique20e sieclephysiciens

Unnatural selection : Technology, politics and plant evolution

Printed book - Fowler Cary, 1994
histoire de l'agricultureetats-unis

Les physiciens modernes et leurs découvertes : des rayons X aux quarks

Printed book - Segrè Emilio, Leroux Hugon Patrick, impr. 1984
physiquephysiciensphysicistsphysicshistoire de la physique20e siecle

Cheated not poisoned ? : Food regulation in the United Kingdon 1875-1938

Printed book - French Michael, Phillips Jim, 2000
histoire de l'alimentationhygiene alimentairequalite alimentaire

Notes on modern microscope manufacturers

Printed book - Bracegirdle Brian, 1996
instrument scientifiquehistoire
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