Knowing tomorrow ? : how science deals with the future
Printed book - Duin Patrick van der, 2007
In our modern day society characterized by turbulence, uncertainty, and change, futures research (the science and art of looking to the future) has become a very import...
Etudes sur l'histoire des instruments scientifiques : actes de VIIe Symposium de la Commission "Instruments scientifiques" de l'Union Internationale d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris du 15 au 19 septembre 1987 . Studies in the history of scientific instruments : papers presented at the 7th Symposium of the Scientific Instruments Commission of the Union Internationale d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris 15-19 September 1987
Printed book - Blondel Christine, International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science Scientific Instruments Commission Symposium, 1989
Leisure settings : bourgeois culture, medicine, and the spa in modern France
Printed book - Mackaman Douglas Peter, 1998
Jean-Charles Moreux : architecte-décorateur-paysagiste
Printed book - Day Susan, Foucart Bruno, Gastou Yves, Institut français d'architecture, 1999
Théorie générale des systèmes
Printed book - Bertalanffy Ludwig von, Chabrol Jean-Benoîst, 1982
The engineers : a history of the engineering profession in Britain, 1750-1914
Printed book - Buchanan Robert Angus, 1989