88419 results found

Knowing tomorrow ? : how science deals with the future

Printed book - Duin Patrick van der, 2007
In our modern day society characterized by turbulence, uncertainty, and change, futures research (the science and art of looking to the future) has become a very import...

Leisure settings : bourgeois culture, medicine, and the spa in modern France

Printed book - Mackaman Douglas Peter, 1998
cures thermales19e sieclestations climatiques, thermales, etc.stations thermalesbalneologieconditions socialeshistoire du 19eme siecleclasses moyennessantebalneotherapiebourgeoisiethermalismehistoirefrancehistoire sociale

Jean-Charles Moreux : architecte-décorateur-paysagiste

Printed book - Day Susan, Foucart Bruno, Gastou Yves, Institut français d'architecture, 1999
decoration interieure20e sieclearchitecture des jardinsarchitecturedesignmeublehistoire de l'architecturejardinhistoire

Théorie générale des systèmes

Printed book - Bertalanffy Ludwig von, Chabrol Jean-Benoîst, 1982
systemes, analyse desystemiquetheorie des systemes

The engineers : a history of the engineering profession in Britain, 1750-1914

Printed book - Buchanan Robert Angus, 1989
engineeringengineersingenieurshistoire des ingenieursgrande-bretagne
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