Studies in ancient technology . vol. 7 . Ancient geology ; ancient mining and quarrying ; ancient mining techniques
Printed book - Forbes Robert James, 1966
Funiculaires et crémaillères de France
Printed book - Gennesseaux Jean, 1992
Catalog of the Bernard Becker, M. D. Collection in Ophthalmology
Printed book - Weimer Mark F., Hoolihan Christopher, 1983
Derrière la Très Haute Montagne
Printed book - Delval Marie-Hélène, Solé Vendrell Carme, 2000
Révolutions animales : comment les animaux sont devenus intelligents
Printed book - Matignon Karine Lou, Goodall Jane, copyright 2016
Les contributions dressent le portrait de l'état des connaissances actuelle sur le monde animal : intelligence, sensibilité à la douleur, relation à la mort, mémoire, e...
Early biographies of Isaac Newton, 1660–1885 . Volume 1 . Eighteenth-century biography of Isaac Newton : the unpublished manuscripts and early texts . Volume 2 . Nineteenth-century biography of Isaac Newton : public debate and private controversy
Printed book - Higgitt Rebekah, Iliffe Rob, Keynes Milo, 2005-2006