Chinese thought, society, and science : the intellectual and social background of science and technology in pre-modern China
Printed book - Bodde Derk, c1991
Découvertes scientifiques et pensée politique au XIXe siècle
Printed book - Chaubon Jean-Pierre, Besnier Robert, DL 1981
When least is best : how mathematicians discovered many clever ways to make things as small (or as large) as possible
Printed book - Nahin Paul J., 2004
L' Invenzione del vero : la letteratura scientifica da Galilei ad Algarotti
Printed book - Basile Bruno, 1987
Sciences appliquées aux aliments, à la nutrition et à l'hygiène : guide pédagogique : BEP seconde profesionnelle et terminale : nouveau référentiel
Printed book - Paccard Antoinette, Templier Bernard, 2001
Mathematische Prinzipien der Naturlehre
Printed book - Newton Isaac, 1963