87329 results found

State security and mapping in the GDR : map falsification as a consequence of excessive secrecy? : lectures to the conference of the BStU from 8th-9th March 2001 in Berlin

Printed book - Unverhau Dagmar, cop. 2006
cartographiescience et politiquehistoirehistoire des scienceshistoire de la cartographieespionnageallemagnepays socialistes

Communicating controversy : science museums and issues education

Printed book - Mintz Ann, 1995
controverse scientifiqueeducation et musee

Evidence and inquiry : towards reconstruction in epistemology

Printed book - Haack Susan, 1998
theorie de la connaissancepragmatisme

L'esprit du grenier

Printed book - Laborit Henri, 1992
biologiesciencespsychobiologiepsychologiesociobiologieneurobiologiebiologie humaineneurobiologyhuman biologysociobiologyphilosophie medicalechercheur scientifique

La nouvelle sociologie des sciences

Printed book - Dubois Michel, impr. 2001
sciencesciencessociologie des sciences

Journal of Technology Education

Printed magazine
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