Technological medicine : the changing world of doctors and patients
Printed book - Reiser Stanley Joel, cop. 2009
Science, theology and the transcendental horizon : Einstein, Kant and Tillich
Printed book - Morrison Roy Dennis, 1994
Ford & Fordson tractors
Printed book - Williams Michael, 1992
Modern geographers : An outline of progress in geography since ad 1800
Printed book - Crone Gerald Roe, 1970
An infinity of things : how Sir Henry Wellcome collected the world
Printed book - Larson Frances, cop. 2009
During the opening decades of the twentieth century Sir Henry Wellcome acquired a collection so large that later generations of staff took to describing its contents by...
Sur le chagrin et le deuil : trouver un sens à sa peine à travers les cinq étapes du deuil
Printed book - Kübler-Ross Elisabeth, Kessler David, Touati Joëlle, impr. 2009
Présentation des cinq étapes du deuil : déni, colère, marchandage, dépression et acceptation, avant une analyse de cette théorie. Les auteurs abordent ainsi divers aspe...