Duchenne de Boulogne 1806-1875
Printed book - Mathon Catherine, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, 1999
Gehennical fire : the lives of George Starkey, an American alchemist, in the scientific revolution
Printed book - Newman William Royall, 1994
La raison et le réel
Printed book - Raffin Catherine, Gangloff Jean-Luc, impr. 2007
Under the Southern Cross : a brief history of astronomy in Australia
Printed book - Bhatal R. S., White Graeme, 1991
La Philosophie des sciences aujourd'hui
Printed book - Hamburger Jean, Académie des sciences, impr. 1986
Le concept de nature chez Marx
Printed book - Schmidt Alfred, Bois Jacqueline, 1994