A history of technology . II . The Mediterranean civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 BC to c. AD 1500
Printed book - Singer Charles, Holmyard Eric John, Hall Alfred Rupert, Jaffé Jean-Claude, Clow Nan L., Thomson R. H. G., 1956
Science and social science research in British India, 1780-1880 : the role of Anglo-Indian associations and government
Printed book - Ellsworth Edward W., cop. 1991
Le mangeur de mots
Printed book - Dedieu Thierry, DL 1996, cop. 1996
Les théories scientifiques de la musique aux XIXe et XXe siècles
Printed book - Fichet Laurent, Gut Serge, 1996
Simon Stevin : Science in the Netherlands around 1600
Printed book - Dijksterhuis Eduard Jan, 1970